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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium refers to specific funding provided for pupils identified as disadvantaged due to socio-economic circumstances. The school decides how to spend this money to best overcome these social and financial barriers for children and provide an equitable solution to 'closing the gap' between more vulnerable pupils and those who have a more advantaged starting point.

We are required to provide evidence of the impact our spending is having on vulnerable groups of learners, which is available in the reports below.

Pupil Premium Strategy for 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Strategy for 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Strategy for 2021 - 2024 

Free school meals are available to some families who are in receipt of certain government benefits, such as Income Support or Income Based Jobseekers Allowance.  Other benefits may qualify you to apply for Free School Meals for your child.  Applying for a free school meal could raise extra funding for the school to fund valuable teaching and learning support, and is still paid to the school even if your circumstances or entitlement ceases.

If your child does qualify we receive additional funding known as the Pupil Premium Grant. This grant will then apply to your child for 6 years. The funding is used to support your child educationally and can, in some instances, be used to pay for educational visits and extra curricular activities.

If you think that you may qualify for Free School Meals or would like more information,  please click here